we all can change


Look deep into nature, and you will
understand everything better.

What We Do

Women And Child Welfare

ASSS has conducted training to Women who are in Self Help Groups .The training was focused on the aspect of how to start their own income generation units, access loans from banks and other financial institutions.

Health Care

ASSS has conducted several free medical checkup camps in several villages. ASSS engages qualified doctors for organizing these types of camps and announces the dates of these camps in advance In the proposed villages.

Workers Empowerment

One of its flagship programmes is "Workman India," which focuses on registering workers from diverse categories . The programme aims to empower these workers by providing them with opportunities for better employment prospects and access to essential services.

" Joining hands with ASSS has been an extraordinary journey towards making a tangible difference in the lives of those in need. Their unwavering commitment to humanitarian causes, coupled with their tireless efforts, has left an indelible mark on communities far and wide. "

Jitendra Kumar


Anand Shanti Sewa Sansthan (ASSS) is a Not-For-Profit Organization working for the welfare of Socially Disadvantaged, Economically Backward and Educational Deprived Communities.

We envision a world where every individual has the opportunity to thrive, where communities are empowered to shape their own destinies, and where compassion and solidarity pave the path towards a brighter future for generations to come

Make a change